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 If the worst should hapen, and you have a sick or injured tortoise or turtle to deal with, DO NOT DELAY. Try to get to a qualified veterinary surgeon AS FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. Do not email Internet newsgroups for advice if the animal needs help urgently - get on the telephone to a vet! By all means search the Internet (and this website) for useful first aid advice, but remember, ONLY a qualified veterinatian can diagnose the problem and ONLY a qualified veterinarian can prescribe essential drugs such as antibiotics. Delay can be fatal.

If possible, try to see a veterinarian who has experience of tortoises and turtles, or at least an interest in reptiles - but in emergencies, get to ANY vet who is available.

Not all veterinarians know much about the details of keeping tortoises and turtles properly - but MOST should be able to deal with trauma injuries or infections, and they SHOULD be willing to seek advice from others if they need to. Beware of vets who contradict other specialists. Do not be afraid to ask questions and check elsewhere. Some vets are genuinely expert on many aspects of tortoise and turtle care - if you find one, count yourself very fortunate and co-operate with them as closely as posssible!

The following website pages contain extensive directories of veterinary surgeons who have an interest in, or experience in treating, sick reptiles of all kinds.

Reptile Vets in the USA

Reptile Vets in Canada

Reptile Vets in the UK

Reptile Vets in Other Countries

Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians (ARAV.ORG)

HERP VET CONNECTION - Extensive Worldwide Directory

Turtle veterinarians in California, USA - from CTTC