A major
contribution to the health and normal
development of
captive-reared reptiles?
Juvenile Testudo kleinmanni exploit
a microclimate in sand
By Andy C. Highfield
are used by many reptiles and amphibians to sustain
themselves in otherwise unfavourable environments,
and to regulate body temperature and water balance.
Some well-known examples of microclimate utilization
include the burrows used by arid habitat tortoises
and lizards, such as Desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) and Spiny-tailed lizards (Uromastyx species), or the behaviour of certain
toads that encase themselves in mud during the dry
each case, the animal seeks to protect itself from
excessively high or low temperatures, and to prevent
excessive loss of body fluids from respiration and
evaporation that ultimately, would lead to death from
There is more to microclimates
than temperature; maintenance of safe levels of
hydration and moderation of fluid loss through skin
and respiration are every bit as important.
microclimate use is widespread in nature, in
captivity, many keepers ignore this aspect of their
animal’s requirements altogether, and completely fail
to understand the very serious consequences for health
that can occur as a result of depriving the animal of
access to suitable environments where temperature and
localized humidity can be self-regulated to a fine
example of how catastrophic microclimate deprivation
can be for health is to be found in the case of high
rates of mortality from bladder calculi (‘stones’
formed primarily of uric acid) and generalized renal
failure in hatchling Gopherus
and Testudo
species tortoises raised under hot basking lamps on
surfaces such as newspaper in glass vivaria. Although
diet and the availability of fresh drinking water play
a very large role in the development of this
condition, environment is undoubtedly of equal
importance. Twenty captive bred juvenile Testudo ibera from three separate clutches were
divided into two groups. The first group was raised
for two years in an indoor environment consisting of a
large vivarium tank constructed of glass, with a
newspaper substrate, fitted with infra-red ceramic
heaters and overhead UV-B emitting fluorescent tubes.
A low protein, high fiber herbivorous diet based upon
wild foods was employed in accordance with the
recommendations given in the Tortoise Trust’s “Tortoise
and Turtle Feeding Manual”.
A hatchling Algerian tortoise half-buries
itself in the described substrate, thereby regulating
body temperature and reducing evaporative losses
A second group was reared using an
identical diet, with identical lighting and hearting
provision, but this time in an open-topped ‘table-top’
terrarium that featured a 2.5” (7 cm) deep substrate
comprised of 50% sterile loam and 50% play pit sand.
Additionally, some rocks, herbaceous plants and
hollowed out logs were also included. It was
immediately evident that the tortoises utilized this
substrate extensively, often burying themselves
completely overnight, or during particularly hot
weather. This behavior closely mirrors that observed
in the same species in the wild, where juveniles stay
buried for by far the greatest proportion of their
day, emerging only briefly to bask and graze.
This behavior confers several advantages
to young tortoises. It conceals them effectively from
many potential predators and dramatically reduces
fluid evaporation from the skin and from respiration
(which represent 70% and 30% respectively of total
losses from evaporation). It also conserves energy by as much as
80% over energy requirements while active, and helps
to stabilize body temperatures by virtue of their
being in close physical contact with an infinite mass.
Adult tortoises will adopt the same
strategy provided the substrate allows for this
Tortoises maintained on flat surfaces
where burrowing is not possible, on the other hand,
lose fluids via evaporation very quickly, their core
body temperatures vary much more widely and more
rapidly, and they tend to be more active. This last
property is not necessarily advantageous to long-term
heath, as the main increase in activity is seen in
feeding. Animals reared in these conditions therefore
tend to grow faster and hence are far more susceptible
to developing mineral and trace element deficiencies,
especially those implicated in MBD, or metabolic bone
disease. In this trial, the group reared on the
newspaper substrate attained a 38% greater average
size than those raised on the mixed soil and sand
substrate after 18 months, and their precipitated uric
acid output was also visibly greater than the latter
group, indicating their increased protein intake
overall and their lower level of hydration.
revealing huge bladder stone
After 24 months, the first case of a
bladder stone was noted in the group reared on the
non-burrowing substrate. None of the tortoises reared
on the mixed soil and sand substrate, where burrowing
was permitted, developed such problems. Subsequently,
more than 60 juveniles of several species, including Testudo kleinmanni, Testudo
graeca, Testudo ibera and Geochelone
pardalis were reared
over 4 years using substrates that permitted access to
microclimates. Not one of these animals has
developed either renal problems or bladder stones.
Growth is relatively slow, and carapace development is
very smooth and free of ‘lumps’ or ‘pyramiding’. This
compares very favorably to the growth quality and
disease incidence observed in terrarium-reared animals
maintained on substrates that do not permit burrowing.
While it may be assumed that it is only
arid-habitat species that use microclimates, this is
certainly not the case. Many temperate and tropical
forest species make extensive use of the microclimate
opportunities that exist beneath leaf litter, for
example. Others burrow into moist earth, or beneath
semi-rotting logs.
American box turtles also make use of moist
When designing
accommodation for these species, therefore, selection of
appropriate substrates is just as important as it is for
desert habitat species. Where microclimate provision is
not made, long term heath problems are a real
One of the Tortoise Trust's own American
box turtle habitats
Further reading:
choice - Practical aspects of choosing a
Feeding your
Tortoise - Comprehensive dietary advice
Avoiding Problems
with Box Turtles - General advice on Terrapene
(c) 2001-2002 A. C. Highfield